Is life just a bowl of Cherries?
Given that cherries are choc full of nutrients and protective antioxidants they can certainly contribute to a good life. With trees throughout Sheffield currently laden with the fruit now is the time to get picking and try a whole range of recipes. Here's an idea for a cake, a liqueur and a link to a slightly risque blog from a well known Sheffield food critic on the art of foraging cherries
Cherries are everywhere - check out places away from main roads
Using this recipe from Homebrew Underground it could'nt be more simple.
There is a great tasting and simple cherry and custard cake in this excellent piece from the Guardian which shows how four recipes can be made from one batch of creme patissiere. Its rather like a cake form of a Bakewell tart but without making pastry and baking blind and all that jazz.
And heres the blog: I popped my cherry in Attercliffe; from that well know Sheffield food critic Martin Dawes. Enjoy.